What does it take to be creative? How does one learn creativity? Is it even possible?

creative stuff

I have never been a creative person. However I have a good eye for creative things. Unfortunately , it doesn't mean I can be creative. Since there is no logic in creativity , there is no formal training to acquire it. I believe one must be born with that talent. Of course I am saying all these things within the scope of what I consider to be creative and beautiful. For example the image above is of a "manga farm" from Koshikawachi a design studio I think. This thing is easily the coolest thing I have seen this year. I know for a fact , this idea would've never have crossed my mind in a billion years. I feel a little envious when I see naturally gifted people create beautiful things in what appears to be an effortless attempt. I can spend hours trying to come up with some cool and the end product would be embarrassing at best. HEHEHEHE. But its fine , if anything I am grateful that I still have eyes to see these ridiculously cool things.

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